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Safety Planning

What is Safety Planning?

If you are in an abusive relationship, or planning to leave an abusive relationship, it is a good idea to prepare a Safety Plan.

A safety plan is a personalized, useful tool to help you stay safe. Safety planning can include alerting neighbors, friends and relatives to your situation so they can help, writing down a list of important documents to take with you, taking legal action, and how to cope emotionally.

A good safety plan will be personalized to your unique situation, and will provide guidance on how to navigate different scenarios.

Call our 24/7 Hotline (912) 882-7858 for personalized guidance with Safety Planning.
For detailed general guidelines on Safety Planning, we recommend this national resource, the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

Safety Planning When Preparing To Leave

  • Open a savings account in your own name to start to establish or increase your independence if possible
  • Have a packed bag ready and keep it in a secret place that is easy to reach
  • Leave money, an extra set of keys, copies of important documents and extra clothes with someone you trust
  • Keep the shelter phone number close at hand, or better yet, memorize it, and keep some change or a calling card on you at all times for emergency phone calls. 

Safety In Your Own Home

  • Change the locks on your doors as soon as possible. Buy additional locks and safety devices to secure your windows
  • Inform neighbors and landlord that your partner no longer lives with you and that they should call the police if they see your partner near your home
  • Change your phone number
  • If you are able, save all messages with threats

Safety and Your Children

  • Discuss a safety plan with your children for when you are not with them
  • Give them a code word
  • Teach them not to get into the middle of a fight
  • Inform your children’s school, day care, etc., about who has permission to pick up your children, give them a picture of the abuser if possible

Your Safety and Emotional Health

  • Consider attending a support group to gain support from others and to learn more about yourself and the relationship

Important Items to Take With You If You Leave

  • IdentificationSocial security cards
  • Birth certificates
  • Children’s birth certificates
  • Money
  • Medications
  • Keys
  • Marriage license
  • Checkbook
  • Charge cards/debit cards
  • Bank statements
  • Proof of income

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Stay Connected

24-hour Hotline: (912) 882-7858

P.O. Box 5159 St. Marys, GA 31558

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Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to support victims of domestic violence as they become survivors and lead healthy, abuse free lives.

Our vision is to be the premier non-profit in Camden County using a trauma-informed care service model to meet the needs of domestic violence victims and support them as they overcome barriers.  We have the right people (staff and board) and financial resources in place to support our organization’s mission.


Since 1987, Camden House has served as the community voice for victims of domestic violence in Camden and Charlton counties. Your donations will support Camden House’s efforts to end domestic violence and provide a safe, secure environment for victims to heal and create a new life for themselves. With your help we will continue to serve our community and victims for many years to come.

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